APESWAP FINANCE - Decentralized Exchange on the Binance Smart Chain WHAT IS APESWAP? ApeSwap is an Automated Market Maker, Yield Farming, and Staking platform on the Binance Smart Chain (forked from PancakeSwap). ApeSwap is done by DeFi Apes, for DeFi Apes. We have a dedicated team of experienced apes, who have been in the crypto space for quite a while. $ BANANA is the native currency of our platform. Bet, collect and get $ BANANA all at ApeSwap. APESWAP is a decentralized platform, we have a dedicated team of very experienced monkeys, who have been in the crypto space for many years. $ BANANA is our native currency. Bet, collect and get $ BANANA all at ApeSwap. WHAT IS $ BANANA? $ BANANA is ApeSwap's native currency. it is important to participate in most of our initiatives, liquidity mining, and liquidity pools. This is a fairly simple concept. That's why we created ApeSwap to generate $ BANANA tokens to support the Binance Smart Chain ...