When we were children, we all learned in the lower classes that humans are social animals and cannot live without society. While we worked on this concept, our parents and parents were there, and our parents and generation of ancestors tried their best to give the best they had there, children, because what I meant was good food, nice clothes, good house. that children can live in a society created by someone who feels good and respectful.
This pleasant and honorable thought of life was passed down from generation to generation when it began, but we once thought how much suffering and difficulty there was to give us what was valued by what they dreamed of. The answer is simple: why? because like our parents, we also worry that our future generations can live in their lives. It seems like the bicycle chain up and down is an endless race that no one can beat.
How does Mycro work? 
The most important difference in mycro is now. The application stores the characteristics of employers and employees in a very large database. In addition, this database is enriched with unlimited possibilities from blockchain technology and smart algorithms. The results of self-learning software will send the job you are looking for to the company you are looking for. And perfect partner. All events begin with employers entering preferences desired by employees and combining professional talents and skills into past work experience databases. Smart applications handle the settings and success of your business that you previously created and build your full profile. And the results are exactly what you want.
FireShot Capture 182 - MYCRO_ solution time and money dilemma - _ - https___steemit.com_partiko_@inder.png
Now the question arises: Why not win this race?
The answer is simple: we are all trained to sell our time and knowledge for money. This is called money for temporary traps.
where someone sells knowledge and time to make money so the family can survive. Look at some of these questions and answer yourself:
When was the last time you had dinner with family?
When was the last time you had a family picnic?
When was the last time you had lunch or dinner at an expensive restaurant?
When did you last shop with your family for a day’s free shopping (shopping without regard to the price tag)?
There are many other examples, but at least we worry about them because we don’t have enough money, but they have plenty of time.
Why invest in Mycro?
  • Gig Economy    – One of the fastest growing parts of the global job market. At present there are 200 million people involved – this number is expected to increase to one billion over the next few years.
  • High Value for Society    – Our solutions give people control over their time and money and improve the lives of millions of people.
  • Distributed Systems    – From the beginning we have developed intelligent contract software architecture in the blockchain to implement a fully decentralized vision system.
  • Team Brilliant    – Together, we have more than 150 years of experience in building companies, software, and developing and marketing Blockchain. And we love what we do.
Token design and function:
Token Distribution:
In Nutsell, the concept of this project is to give people free time and extra money to work according to their wishes and spend more time on what is near and windy, and spend no more than half their lives. Coins that can only meet basic needs.
through; LordUdin


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