Carbon Offset Initiative

The Carbon Offset Initiative is a green solution for tracing waste and data in various fields of industry
Our world is losing its natural structure day by day. According to research, if we don't find a realistic solution in the next 10 years, our world will become hotter and drier and become an uninhabitable place for future generations. I talk about global warming, which is a common problem for all people who live in this world. The main gases that cause global warming are generally carbon-based gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Diazotoxide (N2O), Ozone (O3), Carbon monoxide (CO) and Halocarbon (CFC). As you know, we have an ozone layer that protects the earth from harmful sunlight and these gases cause the ozone layer to be damaged. When the ozone layer is damaged, our world absorbs more sunlight. Another side effect of carbon-based gases is that they protect sunlight from the atmosphere. In the solar system, the closest planet to the sun is mercury, while the hottest planet is Venus because gases capture sunlight and cause it to heat up. The surface temperature on Venus is more than 500 ° C. We quickly move towards becoming a warm planet like Venus. Carbon emissions in our world have reached an unimaginable dimension to industrial development. The amount of carbon emitted into nature causes our world to heat up quickly and drought. As long as the trees are not affected by drought, the ratio of CO2 - Carbon Dioxide increases and our world becomes warmer. If we don't find a quick solution in the years to come, our world will soon become a truly dry planet like Venus. Carbon footprint and pollution are growing before our eyes, and to get back on the right path, we must change our habits and act together, only together can we change existing environmental problems, preserve habitats and preserve the earth's natural resources for future generations . ,
Let's change things together before it's too late.
The Carbon Offset Initiative is an environmentally friendly solution for tracking waste and data in various fields of industry, using innovative blockchain technology to increase productivity in collecting, tracking and processing waste from various sources.
Our mission is to help organizations and companies save energy, reduce costs and increase commercial value, while solving environmental and social problems.

What is carbon compensation

Global pollution caused by carbon production and globalization reaches a recurring peak and is a serious threat to our future. Efforts are made by various governments, industrialists or institutions, but more slowly, due to various factors such as short duration or misunderstanding.
The current generation of head of state or general director has formed in conditions of fossil fuel savings and hardly understands that the necessary environmental action is not a cost, but an investment.
Our team sincerely believes that the "green revolution" will be as effective as the "Internet revolution" or "industrial revolution" in terms of innovation and employment, and investment opportunities.
Our goal is to solve problems in new ways, combining our team's experience and network with digitalization and blockchain, which are powerful resources for implementation and success.
Our research shows that the transportation sector is ideal for minimizing carbon emissions, and that the correct disposal of used oil is even negative.
COI, short for Carbon Offset Initiative, reflects both our intentions and the specific results we strive for: carbon offsetting by optimizing the bunker-fuel-to-energy cycle and managing waste and emissions. This optimization process makes the reduction of carbon in fuel oil negative, because unlike crude oil, it does not need to be explored, extracted, refined and transported, thus significantly reducing the carbon footprint.

Synopsis project

Industry, information, consumption and global economic growth create a huge burden on the environment of our planet and sustainable development in the future.
However, one thing that everyone seems to underestimate is that we live on a planet with limited physical resources, and we use it beyond any reason and produce more waste and emissions.
At the same time, legal requirements to track and prove complete disposal or destruction of waste that cannot be recycled, as well as to reduce emissions, are becoming stricter and more stringent throughout the world. Increasing waste production raises serious challenges for proper tracking and disposal.
Scientists, industrialists, and governments are trying to solve problems related to waste and emissions. Despite the lack of time, global problems like this are solved locally, it's too slow.


Having rich experience in waste treatment, we are very involved in the reality of water treatment processes and oily slopes. There are three main problems for companies and shipping owners:
Is the disposal work carried out legally, on time, and efficiently for a certain amount?
Are the parties involved paid according to the agreement and minimum cash payments?
Are we overpaid (hidden theft)?
After we identified control problems as the main reason for leakage and theft of illegal fuels, we developed an economical, easy-to-use, and operated solution for remote monitoring of bunkers and waste treatment (Figure 1) based on the blockchain. Our solution consists of two levels: hardware, which consists of measuring tools and telecommunications, and software.
The COI platform can be adapted to the needs of ship owners (emissions, speed, location, weather, etc.)
Our system is designed to be adaptable, and its configuration meets customer needs.
For example, a client can choose part or all of the solutions from the above scheme, from managing and optimizing its consumption and emissions to controlling "bunker fuel to mud" completely.
Our system includes hardware and software levels:
Hardware layer (blue):
Hardware consists of devices that collect and transmit collected data.
The ship will be equipped with an automatic device to:
Measure the amount of fuel bunkers and puddles in each tank at each stage of the process, from loading the fuel bunkers on the ship to sump disposal;
Potential to measure cargo (tanker);
Measure the density and composition of oily water at several levels in the tank to monitor sludge quality;
Note some external parameters that have the potential to affect consumption and emissions;
Transmission of measurements via GSM or satellite to the control center.
The sewage treatment plant will install a similar device to measure the quantity and density of the sump produced for processing. The telecommunications equipment will also transmit these steps, and after processing, the amount of solid residue, water and oil is recycled from the original sump.
Upon request, port collectors and conveyors can also be equipped with devices to measure the amount and density of catches collected and transferred.
About Tokens Tokens internal project is COI. This is the ERC20 standard and is based on Ethereum. COI tokens provide holders with emissions tracking and waste management solutions. Pre ICO / IEO (100%) 
  • Stage 1 (39%) - 21,428,857 COI = $ 1,500,000. 50% discount. Price for 1 token - $ 0.07
  • Stage 2 (46%) - 25,610,204 COI = $ 2,500,000. 30% discount. Price for 1 token - $ 0.098
  • Stage 3 (15%) - 8,403,361 COI = $ 1,000,000. Discount - 15%. Price for 1 token - $ 0,119
 The sales period is from October 10, 2019 to January 9, 2020. The minimum cost is $ 5,000,000. The maximum collection amount is $ 46 952 101 Token Distribution:  
 71% - ICO2% - Partners2% - Advisory2% - Meritocracy18% - Team5% - Treasury Distribution of results:
  23% - Operations + management15% - Legal + regulatory issues 5% - Reserve Funds 14% - Sales + Marketing32% - Research + Development 11% - General + 

Roadmap for Carbon Reduction Initiatives


Jean-Christophe Wautrin
the founder
Business and political leaders must understand that the environment is not expenditure, but investment.
Co-founder and CEO
"The biggest threat to our planet is the belief that others will save it."
financial director
"Most people lose the opportunity because they wear clothing and look like work." - Thomas Edison
Protect the environment is not an option, but a survival instinct.
technical director
"There is no such thing" goes. "When we throw something away, it has to go somewhere. - Annie Leonard
Susan Strem
Business Finance Consultant
"We live on this planet, as if we have one more to move on." - Terry Suringen
Strategy Advisor
"We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; We borrowed it from our children "- Native American
CASH saying Ravan
Shipping Adviser
" We don't want to protect the environment, we want to create a world where the environment does not need to be protected "
UN Representative and NGO
" Green is the main color of the world from which enchantment appeared ”- Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Crypto Trading Expert
"We don't need to participate in grandiose heroic actions to participate in change. Small actions, if multiplied by millions of people, can change the world. - Howard Zinn
THERE is Huang
Digital Media Manager
"Buy less, choose the good" - Vivienne Westwood
"Humans spoil planet Earth, as if we have reserves of" planet B ". It is the responsibility of our generation to make this place better, so that our children go to an unknown space due to scientific curiosity, and not a desperate move. "

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