PayPDM - Decentralized Crypto Finance Firm


There are various ways to invest using cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is known to be volatile. The main way besides holding crypto is to run financial trading. Trading has goodness and also a nightmare if you refuse to be patient doing the right research and lacking the right experience, technicality, and specialization. PayPDM in depth accepts a variety of attractive investors to become part of large companies. Has easy deposits, flexible withdrawals, an easy-to-track Fund portfolio, 24/7 customer service, the best investment returns and an unparalleled team of experienced traders

What is PayPDM?
PayPDM is a decentralized crypto financial company that operates as an online financial service that supports the standardization of the use of crypto currencies in investing, lending, playing and real estate, as well as an electronic alternative to flat banks. 
Decentralization is accepted and respected on the Blockchain, to invalidate authority, non-transparency, compromise or security threats.
FinTrade is the first financial service under the auspices of PayPDM and it operates through a decentralized system. The FinTrade function uses a tri-system that includes Forex EA Robots, Forex Auto-Systems, Cryptocurrency trading and diversification of Crypto assets that are supervised, modernized and actualized in the presence of the PayPDM financial team. 
While PayPDM FinTrade is a blockchain-based financial company centered on financial trading, especially for foreign exchange, crypto and crypto asset diversification. We implement FinTrade as a reliable way to invest in crypto and generate revenue for PayPDM companies and their communities.
CryptoLend, which will be launched at the end of 2020, is also a decentralized financial service that will be deployed using other companies' APIs to hold automatic coins and coin payments to users requesting BTC, ETH and LTC loans in the form of an instant world-class number one secure verification system without violates the law that guides the user's country.
PayPDM anticipates the release of FinTrade to users around the world after rebranding & general restructuring. FinTrade will be available first to our beta users and then open to users throughout the world. PayPDM will register in 54 countries around the world to strengthen its community and also comply with the law in each registered country. 
The aim is to have an open financial system where there will be unlimited possibilities for both the community and companies. PayPDM coins also function as a service fee method that can be used to cover all transactional fees, costs incurred, fees applicable to services or other test fees if needed. 
Using products & services under the auspices of PayPDM is completely free to use. Applicable service fees are covered using PayPDM Coins ($ PYD).
Mission -
We are a next generation decentralized crypto financial system, hereby becoming a transparent and trusted crypto financial powerhouse towards creating revenue for PayPDM and its best communities.
Vision -
The possibilities are endless, a decentralized system, and monetization.
  • Centralized financial trading
  • Not experienced in several crypto portfolios
  • Blockchain based startups have difficulty funding
  • Cryptolending
  • Non-transparency
  • Company-based profitability.
  • Uncertainty.
Token Allocation
As a rule, the assignment of a Token for PayPDM Coins is noted below
Private and Open ICO - 40%
FinTrade and CryptoLend PayPDM - 1%
Initial Financial Specialist - 4%
Airdrop, Waqf and blessing network - 1%
Increase - 19%
PayPDM system - 10%
Consumed - 25%
From All Out With Graceful - 1,000,000,000 PYD
Token Name: PayPDM (PYD)
All of them gracefully: 1,000,000,000 PYD
All Pre-IEO Designated Tokens: 5,000,000 PYD
Token Selling Value: 1 PYD = 0.07 USDT
Token Bidding Organization: The first client
Minimum purchase amount: 750 PYD
Hadiah: 20% PYD.
For Further Data Visits
Whitepaper: /wp-content/uploads/2020/05/PAYPDM-COIN-PYD.pdf
Telegram: http: // t .me / paypdmofficial
by ; LordUdin
Ethereum address: 0xA46f84799AE03bfe807145631fA818507D2d5664


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