
 Future of the Ferox Project, FRX Token

As we know hedge funds are professionals who manage public funds for high returns. Usually, hedge fund companies will invest in several instruments with their respective strategies and experiences. Hedge fund companies can manage public funds and convert them into active returns, or alpha, for their investors. In this way, both parties will benefit from each other, both hedge fund companies and investors, because investors don't have to worry about strategy or anything else.

But what happens when hedge fund companies meet crypto? these are Ferox Advisors, a hedge fund platform, and DeFi, which manages derivative accounts and external clients and aims to provide investors with maximum returns with low risk. What Ferox Advisors does is manage derivatives accounts for exclusive trading and external clients with the strategy and experience to achieve high returns for investors.

Ferox Advisors and DeFi

Ferox Advisors is a professional trading advisory company with experience in managing derivative accounts for proprietary trading and external clients to achieve high returns with minimal risk. Ferox Advisors is not only an ordinary hedge fund firm, but also a firm that combines hedge funds and DeFi, which makes Ferox Advisors a reliable and profitable DeFi Hedge Fund for all participants.

Ferox Advisors is a trade advisory company operating and registered in the RAK free trade zone near Dubai with a trading office in Istanbul. The platform is built by professionals and experts in their fields who understand automated trading and cryptocurrencies. The Ferox Advisors team tries and refines various strategies that have been acquired over the years to achieve the maximum return on investment. Users don't have to bother thinking about strategy or anything else, because Ferox Advisors will take care of all of that and promise to give users the highest rate of return on their personal capital.

Ferox Advisory Cooperative

This allows for collaboration between the user and the hedge fund company Ferox Advisors in managing derivative accounts. This also includes cooperation on managed accounts on Cryptocurrencies. This cooperative move, allows Ferox Advisors and users to benefit from each other. The following are steps for cooperation that can be achieved:

  • Managed Accounts: If users are interested, they can directly contact Ferox Advisors for cooperation in creating structured managed accounts, trading derivatives, or cryptocurrencies. Here, users will not be charged a management fee, but a revenue-sharing system above the high watermark.
  • Private Companies: If users wish to become Ferox Advisors private equity partners, they can contact Ferox Advisors directly. In the future, these private shareholders will be able to participate in various activities of Ferox Advisors.


FRX is a viable utility token built on top of the TRON blockchain, and that makes it a TRC-20 compatible token. Users can easily stake a FRX and TRX pair and they will be rewarded for it.

FRX holders will get a profit every month, this is because the profit generated from betting activities will be added to them. Thus making it a useful hedge fund token.



The past and present achievements of this private company (Ferox Advisors) speak volumes about this project. They are experts in algorithmic scalping, volatility-arbitrary, event-driven trading and options market creation. They also provide an excellent complete Intraday Trading option, and it's sure to generate cash for investors at the end of each trading day.

Ferox Advisors allows for a more aggressive alpha extract. This is achieved by combining Intraday trading with long term options. They are transparent in their transactions, and as long as hedge fund investing is concerned, Ferox Advisors is the most efficient and reliable place to invest, and with FRX TOKEN investors will have an extraordinary experience that will change the financial story forever.



Spoiler Alert

Our phenomenal interview with Nomadfury is coming this week, tune in to Jeff's Nomadfury channel to watch the interview.

Check out our websites at   www.feroxadvisors.com/team   and   www.feroxadvisors.com/frx   to find out all about the world's first #DeFi hedge fund FRX token, and participate in an exclusive Presale Seed Round.


Learn more about this project:

Website:  http://feroxadvisors.com/team

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/feroxadvisors

Telegram:  https://t.me/FRXalpha

Media:   https://frx.medium.com/

Github:  https://github.com/opentron/opentron

by ; LordUdin link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2579436


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