The Champions DeFi

 The Champions DeFi - When Champions League meets Crypto.

Yield farming, in any case called yield or liquidity provision, including cash advances. In doing so, you get revenue and some of the time costs, but they are less basic than demonstrations of increasing revenue by rewarding other cryptographic cash units. Certified results come if the coin appreciates quickly.


TheChampionsDefi is a customized liquidity acquisition farm and AMM decentralized exchange that runs Football and Cyrpto accomplices on Binance Smart Chain and Polygon with a stack of unusual and creative components that allow you to earn and win. We are a decentralized exchange platform for the exchange of BEP-20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain and Polygon associations. We are fast, secure and anyone can exchange and earn tokens.


  • AMM:  TheChampionsDefi are Automated market makers (AMMs) that allow developed assets to be traded and typically by using liquidity pools as opposed to regular buyer and vendor markets. In a typical exchange stage, the buyer and dealer offer different fees for an asset.
  • Automatic Liquidity:  Every move of CHAMPIONS must pay 5% trading fee. 5% trading fee is added to the liquidity pool through normal understanding to diligently increase the base value. Likewise, liquidity will lock in and move away.
  • Deposit Fee Redistribution: A  3.9% store fee will be charged when the customer enters a check, but unlike other produce fields, we don't plan on using the store fee to repurchase and devour. With everything in mind, we will redistribute to holders to help with holding and we will use it for ChampionSafu and Marketing.
  • No Migrator Code: The  migrator code in the MasterChef contract has been removed.
  • Timelock:  Timelock will be added upon delivery.

What is Launchpool Champion?

Champions Launchpool provides customers to stake CHAMPIONS tokens to secure identification of various attempts for Free. The proportion of tokens earned depends on the proportion of tokens that customers like in the pool and the total number of CHAMPIONS tokens separated in the pool. Customers can earn new tokens over a set period of time, regularly around 7 days (depending on discussion). Tokens that customers don't actually settle in the normal range, and customers can collect upcoming rewards at any time.

Submit Your Project Now!

Estates empowers customers to offer liquidity to your trading partners by deploying CHAMPIONS tokens to your partner's LP token holders. Launchpool is a phase where business owners can give tokens to BSC customers who stake CHAMPIONS tokens in the pool. Just when the effort goes to Launchpool, we can also create other developing pairs (depending on discussion).

How do I get my token listed on the exchange?

In general, anyone can list any BEP-20 token in Champions. There is no compelling motivation to contact our meeting or request approval. That you just need to add liquidity to the liquidity pool. Once added, customers can trade your tokens by entering your representative's setup address. We don't recognize the sale to add tokens to enforced once. Together in order for your token to be added to the default event, you must register to Launchpool.



  • Ticker Symbol: CHAMPIONS
  • Rantai: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)
  • Max Supply: NA
  • Starting Supply: from 1 000 000 CHAMPIONS tokens (allocated for fair launch and burning)
  • Contract Address: 0x58eB0f12e2E59dd4D2dD2447691a5441007ab694

Token Distribution

The emission level will be 10 per block:

  • Teams: 10% per block (50% redistributed to holders manually every match day)


  • Ticker Symbol: CHAMPIONS
  • Chain: Polygon
  • Max Supply: NA
  • Start Supply: from 150 000 CHAMPIONS tokens (allocated for fair launch)
  • Contract Address: 0xf9d75aeee0bdf9b052884491c9000da524b16ed

Token Distribution

The emission level will be 10 per block:

  • Teams: 10% per block (50% redistributed to holders manually every match day)

Emission Rate Mechanism

IMPORTANT : The emission rate mechanism will work with Liquidity, Holder and Token Price.

For example, if token prices are low and Liquidity is too, we will reduce emission levels to avoid dumps. Instead we will upgrade it to more rewards.


14/09/2021 : FairLaunch on both Networks

14/09/2021 : Farm Launch will take place with 32+2 Pools and 16+2 Farms (Check Champions League fixtures and Pools menu to see which tokens are associated with which team)

14/09/2021 : ONE LaunchPool, you can stake CHAMPIONS to earn Harmony ONE tokens.

17/09/2021 : Launch of NFT, you can buy NFT Big Player.

25/09/2021 : NFT MarketPlace, you can only buy/sell NFT connected with Football.

15/11/2021 : Prediction Game. You will be able to bet on Champions League matches and win Prizes. (Maybe earlier ;))

Each Matchday Farm List will change.

Other than that :

3 Mio TVL : Apply CMC, CG and other Listings (Exchange & Token)

5 Mio TVL: Audit Certik

10 Mio TVL : Soccer player sponsor.

15 Mio TVL : TV commercials, We will put our ads during Champions League matches

50 Mio TVL : ChampionsLeague final match will have our TV Spot for 30 seconds.

Have it:

Every Matchday we will give 5 Fifa22 games to randomly selected Holders.

Other than that :

We will send Tickets to randomly selected holders, they can watch the match LIVE.

Contact information

by ; LordUdin link:;u=2579436


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