
Socialogue - NFT Social Market

 Hello everyone, this time I will introduce to you one of the first social NFT marketplaces which will solve the problems of today's NFT market, and cost less. That is Socialogue.

What is Socialogue?

The first Social NFT marketplace to launch with zero gas fees on the Ethereum Blockchain.

Like any other form of art, when buying NFT’s, the customer wants to be closely connected to the artist. Browsing, discussing, and connecting are inseparable parts of a thriving art market platform, so we’ve invented a space for consumers to do it all in one place — Socialogue


Socialogue's vision is to be the first decentralized social network and marketplace for artists, NFT creators and collectors.

How does Socialogue work?

  • NFT Marketplace
    At Socialogue, NFT artists get the recognition they deserve. Our users earn from content. Due to the magic of blockchain — anything can be owned and monetized. Imagine making your post an NFT and putting it up for sale. At Socialogue — it’s possible. There’s no middle man to tell you otherwise.

  • NFT Social Platform
    Browsing, discussing, and connecting are inseparable parts of a thriving marketplace platform, so we’ve invented a space where the consumers can do it all in one place. Our social catalog is open for artists to promote their works, engage with the audience and sell their NFT’s with zero-gas fees. In return, the community has the space to share ideas, discuss art and get in touch with their favorite NFT artists.

  • NFT Gaming Battles
    On top of that, our platform is a hosting place for metaverse gaming. We’re taking gaming to the next level. Unlike the usual gaming platforms, an open metaverse powered by cryptocurrency allows gamers to do some life-changing stuff, while the NFTs and DAO integration guarantees an extra edge. In return, Socialogue will charge a small fee from the total amount of earnings that the winners receive.

Socialogue Senate

The Socialogue Senate is a unique community where each member of the Senate has the right to offer their suggestions on improving the community and the platform and has the right to vote and express themselves freely. The rules in this democratic social marketplace are simple — one NFT equals one vote. Therefore, the only thing we condemn in this society is the lack of integrity with your word and your token.

Become a Socialogue Senate member by purchasing one of the 10,000 Socialogue NFT collectibles. The sale is happening soon. Don’t miss out.




    Contact information

by ; LordUdin link:;u=2579436


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